Tragia plukenetii - Cannabis Leaf Nettle

Tragia plukenetii - Cannabis Leaf Nettle

Binomial Name : Tragia plukenetii Radcl.-Sm.
 Synonym : Tragia cannabina,Croton hastatus,Tragia cannabina var. hastata
 Family : Euphorbiaceae
 Common Name : Cannabis Leaf Nettle
 Tamil Name : Punaikasal
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Tragia plukenetii Botanical Description

Herb or undershrub growing up to 1 m height, branched, with sparsely bristly stinging hairs, very commonly found in hedges and in forest outskirts throughout the year. Leaves are alternate, palmately 3-lobed, middle lanceshaped-inverted-lanceshaped, 2.5 - 5 x 05 - 08 cm, lateral oblong-lanceshaped, 1 - 2 x 04 - 05 cm, wedge-shaped at base, corasely toothed at margin, pointed-apiculate at tip, hairy; palmately 3-nerved; leaf-stalk 09 mm long. Stipule narrowly lanceshaped, 05 cm long. Racemes leaf-opposite, extra in leaf-axils, up to 5.5 cm long Male flowers about 01 mm across, greenish; flower-stalk 01 mm long, bracts linear-subulate, 01 mm long, bracteoles lanceshaped-elliptic, 02 mm long. Tepals 3, obovate, 1.5 mm long, shortely apiculate. Stamens 3; filament thick. 0.3 mm long; anther 0.2 mm long. Female flowers about 05 mm across; flower-stalk, up to 03 mm long. Tepals are 5, lanceshaped, 3.5 mm long, toothed at margin, densely staining hairy. Ovary spherical, 3-lobed, 04 mm across. 3-loculed; ovules 3; style 3-fid, stout, 03 mm long; stigma stigamatiferous Capsules broadly spherical, 3-lobed, 05 mm across, densely hairy; seeds 3, ovoid-spherical, 03 mm across. The leaves are eaten as a vegetable. 

Tragia plukenetii Medicinal uses

The roots are used in a cure for male impotence

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