Orthosiphon rubicundus - Red Java Tea

Orthosiphon rubicundus - Red Java Tea

Binomial Name : Orthosiphon rubicundus (D.Don) Benth.
 Synonym : Plectranthus rubicundus,Lumnitzera rubicunda
 Family : Lamiaceae
 Common Name : Red Java Tea
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Orthosiphon rubicundus Botanical Description

Erect perennial herbs with a woody, often tuberous rootstock; stems 4-angled, glabrate or pubescent. Leaves opposite, sessile, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, with a cuneate base, crenate-serrate. Verticellasters combined into an interrupted, raceme-like inflorescence; bracts minute. Calyx hairy; lower lip with 4 subulate teeth. Corolla white or pink. Nutlets suborbicular, compressed, punctulate. Fl. &Fr.: June-August.

Orthosiphon rubicundus Medicinal uses

An edible starch is obtained from the tubers
 The powdered up plant is used as a dusting-powder for babies

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