Osbeckia zeylanica - Wall Osbeckia

Osbeckia zeylanica - Wall Osbeckia

Binomial Name : Osbeckia zeylanica Steud. ex Naudin.
 Synonym : Osbeckia debilis,Osbeckia serialis
 Family : Melastomataceae
 Common Name : Wall Osbeckia
 Tamil Name : Sen Thumpai
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Osbeckia zeylanica Botanical Description

Herbs, to 8 cm high; branches quadrangular, hispid. Leaves to 1.5 x 0.6 cm, ovate, acute at either ends, serrulate, densely hairy; hairs half adnate, parallel to the midrib above, not adnate below. Flowers solitary or 2-3 together, terminal or upper axillary; pedicels 1.5 mm long; calyx tube 5 mm long, densely covered with tufted bristles, bristles 3-6 together, to 7 mm long, lobes 4 mm long, acuminate, ciliate; petals 5 x 4 mm, obovate, glabrous; anthers 4 mm long, acuminate; style 3 mm long. Seeds 0.3 x 0.3 mm, obovoid, muriculate. Fl. &Fr.: November-February.

Osbeckia zeylanica Medicinal uses

Flower decoction is given to children suffering from itching and skin diseases.
 Hepatoprotective: Useful for fatty lever and all forms of hepatitis.

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