Aerva lanata - Mountain Knot Grass

Aerva lanata - Mountain Knot Grass

Binomial Name : Aerva lanata (L.) Juss.
 Synonym : Achyranthes lanata
 Family : Amaranthaceae
 Common Name : Mountain Knot Grass 
 Tamil Name : Pongalpoovu
 Hindi Name : 
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Aerva lanata Botanical Description

Herbs, white woolly. Leaves 3-4 x 3 cm, orbicular to ovate, apex obtuse, mucronate, pubescent above, densely woolly below, membranous; petiole 1 cm. Spikes axillary, to 1 cm, densely tomentose; bracts and bracteoles 1 mm, ovate; tepals 1.5 mm, oblong, woolly mucronate; filaments basally connate, 0.5 mm, staminodes subulate; ovary 0.4. Fl. &Fr.: September-April

Aerva lanata Medicinal uses

A decoction (the report does not specify the plant part is considered to be an efficacious diuretic and is used against catarrh of the bladder and gonorrhoea.
 It is described as one of the best known remedies for bladder and kidney stones. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend a decoction of the plant to be taken internally for a few days to dissolves the stone and to clear the urinary path.
 The whole plant is used in religious rituals, especially during the festival of Pongal.

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