Ageratum conyzoides - Goat weed

Ageratum conyzoides - Goat weed

Binomial Name : Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L.
 Family : Compositae
 Common Name : Goat weed, Billy goat weed
 Tamil Name : Pumppillu, Appakkoti 
 Hindi Name : Jangli pudina, Visadodi, Semandulu, Gha buti, Bhakumbar  
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Ageratum conyzoides Botanical Description

Herbs, viscid hairy. Leaves 5-7 x 3-5 cm, ovate, apex acute, crenate, base rounded; petiole 1-3 cm long. Heads white, to 7 mm across, in terminal corymbose panicle; bracts 1-3-seriate, 3-4 mm long, elliptic, toothed at apex, 3-ribbed. Flowers all similar, bisexual; corolla 2.5 mm long, tubular, white, glabrous, 5-lobed at apex; stamens 5, anthers linear. Achenes 2 mm long, linear, 5-angled, hirsute along the angles; pappus 3-4 mm long, many, setaceous. Fl. &Fr.: August-December.

Ageratum conyzoides Medicinal uses

The whole plant is antiinflammatory and antiallergic.
 The essential oils contained in the plant have antibiotic properties.
 The juice of the fresh plant, or an extract of the dried plant, is used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.
 The juice of the fresh plant is also useful in treating post-partum uterine haemorrhage.
 The juice of the plant is used to treat cuts, wounds and bruises.

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