Caralluma umbellata - Umbelled Caralluma

Caralluma umbellata - Umbelled Caralluma

Binomial Name : Caralluma umbellata Haw.
 Synonym : Caralluma lasiantha, Desmidorchis umbellata 
 Family : Asclepiadaceae 
 Common Name : Umbelled Caralluma 
 Tamil Name : Yerumai Kallimuliyaan
 Hindi Name : 
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Caralluma umbellata Botanical Description

Erect succulent herbs, stem and branchlets angled, leafless, leaf scars spiny. Umbels terminal, more than 20-flowered, bracts and bracteoles linear; pedicels 3.5 cm, flat; calyx lobes 5, 4 mm, lanceolate, ciliate; corolla recurved, lanceolate, concentrically ringed with fine red lines, pollinia erect, pellucid; pollinial bags 0.5 mm; ovaries 2, stigma subsessile. Follicle 15 x 0.7 cm, terete, hooked at apex. Corona double, staminal, outer cupular with 5 bicuspidate lobes. Follicles paired; seeds flattened. Fl. &Fr.: July-October

Caralluma umbellata Medicinal uses

Tender stem edible, especially as a blood purifier for women.

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