Carissa carandas - Karanda

Carissa carandas - Karanda

Binomial Name : Carissa carandas L.
 Synonym : Carissa congesta 
 Family : Apocynacaeae
 Common Name :  Karanda
 Tamil Name : Perun kala
 Hindi Name : Karonda  
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Carissa carandas Botanical Description

The plant is a sprawling semi-vine shrub about 1.5 to 2 m in height. Leaves are 1-3 inches long, very dark green, shiny and opposite and they have large spines. If the leaves or stems are injured, the white milky sap is seen, which is characteristic of this group of plants. The flowers are small, fragrant, white in colour and about 3.5 inches long, with rose colour stalk. The fruits are small and purplish to black in colour. The fruit size is variable, but most fruits are about 3.5 inch in diameter with a few seeds. Fruits usually occur in clusters somewhat resembling large purple grapes. Fl. &Fr.: January-June.

Carissa carandas Medicinal uses

Ripe fruits are taken raw or dried. The mature fruits are harvested for pickles. It contains pectin and accordingly is a useful ingredient in jelly, jam, syrup and chutney.

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