Chlorophytum tuberosum - Edible Chlorophytum

Chlorophytum tuberosum - Edible Chlorophytum

Binomial Name : Chlorophytum tuberosum (Roxb.) Baker
 Synonym : Anthericum tuberosum,Phalangium tuberosum
 Family : Asparagaceae
 Common Name : Edible Chlorophytum
 Tamil Name : Tiravanticham
 Hindi Name : Safed-musli
 IUCN status: Least Concern

Chlorophytum tuberosum Botanical Description

Leaves 15-25 x 1-1.5 cm, ensiform, sheathing at base. Scape 25-35 cm; flowers towards tip of spike, racemose. Bracts 1-3 cm long, lanceolate. Flowers white, 2-2.5 cm across. Ovule 4 or more in each cell; stigma simple. Capsule 1-1.5 x 0.8-1 cm, oblong, triquetrous. Seeds 0.3-0.35 cm long, irregularly pitted. Fl. &Fr.: October-March

Chlorophytum tuberosum Medicinal uses

The leaves and roots are edible.
 The roots are dried and used as a popular tonic and aphrodisiac in Ayurvedic medicine.
 In northern Nigeria its tubers are crushed to produce a lotion used to treat guinea-worm.

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