Coldenia procumbens - Coldenia procumbens

Coldenia procumbens - Coldenia procumbens

Binomial Name : Coldenia procumbens L.
 Synonym : Coldenia angolensis,Coldenia succulenta,Lobophyllum tetrandrum
 Family : Boraginaceae
 Common Name : Creeping Coldenia
 Tamil Name : Seruppadai
 IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Coldenia procumbens Botanical Description

Trailing herbs, stem and leaves softly white villous. Leaves 1.5-3 x 0.5-1.5 cm, obliquely obovate or subpinnatifid, base cuneate, margin irregularly dentate, apex emarginate, lateral veins impressed above. Inflorescence axillary few-flowered sessile cymes or some times solitary. Calyx 4-lobed; lobes ovate-acute, ciliate. Corolla white, c. 2 mm long, tube c. 1 mm long; lobes 4, imbricate in buds. Stamens 4, included. Ovary 4-lobed, 4-locular; ovule 1-per locule. Drupe of 4 subconnate pyrenes, 1.5-2 mm across, subglobose. Fl. &Fr.: March-May.

Coldenia procumbens Medicinal uses

The juice of the leaf is taken orally to prevent white discharge in women
 The dried leaves, when pulverized, are used to provoke sneezing
 A decoction of the aerial parts is used as a treatment for tendonitis

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