Commelina benghalensis - Dayflower

Commelina benghalensis - Dayflower

Binomial Name : Commelina benghalensis L.
 Synonym : Commelina acuminata,Commelina mollis,Commelina hirsuta
 Family : Commelinaceae
 Common Name : Dayflower
 Tamil Name : Kanavazhai
 Hindi Name : Kanchara
 IUCN status: Least Concern

Commelina benghalensis Botanical Description

Diffuse herbs, rooting at lower nodes; rootstock with cleistogamous flowers. Leaves 3-5 x 2-3.5 cm, ovate or elliptic-ovate, base rounded or subtruncate, apex obtuse or acute, pubescent, margin ciliate; petiole to 8 mm long; sheath to 1.5 cm long, apex with rufous hairs. Spathe c. 1.5 cm across, funnel-shaped, truncate at apex, pubescent. Sepals subequal, c. 2.5 mm long; outer ones linear; inner ones orbicular. Petals blue, larger ones c. 4 x 4.5 mm, broadly ovate. Stamens 3; staminodes 2. Ovary to 1mm long. Capsule to 5 mm long, ellipsoid, 3-celled. Seeds 5, pitted.
Fl. &Fr.: Through out the year.

Commelina benghalensis Medicinal uses

Young leaves and young shoots are eaten as vegetable during scarcity or coated with rice flour as cultets.
 The sap is used for the treatment of eye ailments, sore throat and burns and as a topical application for thrush in infants
 The leaves are pounded and soaked in warm water and then the solution is drunk to treat diarrhoea
 A decoction of the root is used for the relief of stomach disorders

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