Drosera indica - Indian Sundew

Drosera indica - Indian Sundew

Binomial Name : Drosera indica L.
 Synonym : Drosera angustifolia,Drosera hexaginia,Drosera indica rosea
 Family : Droseraceae
 Common Name : Indian Sundew
 Hindi Name : Kandulessa
 IUCN status: Least Concern

Drosera indica Botanical Description

Herbs with weak erect, slightly branched, glandular-pubescent stems. Leaves many, cauline, alternate, narrowly linear, glandular hairy, about 2.5-6.0 cm long, hardly broader than the petiole, circinate in vernation; petioles glabrous, about 1.5 cm long; stipules absent; the young leaves in the upper region of the stem erect and circinate, the mature leaves in the mid-region of the stem spreading and horizontal, the oldest leaves towards the basal region of the stem usually deflexed and supporting the weak stem in the manner of stilt-roots. Flowers mauve or pinky purple, usually over 1.5 cm across, 3-15 on axillary, terminal and leaf-opposed glandular racemes usually 5.5-10.5 cm long. Calyx segments oblong-ovate, subobtuse, entire, glandular-pubescent. Petals narrow-spathulate, obtuse. Styles 3. Capsule broadly oblong; seeds minute, ovoid, reticulate. Fl. &Fr.: August-November.

Drosera indica Medicinal uses

Whole plant used for the treatment of diseases like bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes melliatus and nervous disorder.

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