Drosera burmannii - Sundew

Drosera burmannii - Sundew

Binomial Name : Drosera burmannii Vahl.
 Synonym : Drosera burmanni,Drosera dietrichiana,Drosera zeylonensis
 Family : Droseraceae
 Common Name : Sundew
 Tamil Name : Azhukanni
 Hindi Name : Mukhajali
 IUCN status: Least Concern 

Drosera burmannii Botanical Description

Herbs, unbranched, extremely short. Leaves forming a flat rosette, subsessile or petiolate; stipule 3–7 mm, connate with petiole at base, 3-fid, lobes laciniate; petiole short or absent; leaf blade yellowish green or red to reddish violet, cuneate to obovate-spatulate, base attenuate, with glandular trichomes or glabrous, apex fimbriate. Inflorescence scapiform; racemes 1 or 2, glabrous or with white or red to reddish violet glands, 2–19-flowered; bracts simple, hastate, 1–3 mm; pedicels erect, Sepals 5, united at base, light green, red, or reddish violet, narrowly oblong, 2–3 mm, striate, tuberculate, abaxially with short, glandular hairs and white glands. Petals white to light red to reddish violet, obovate, Stamens 5. Ovary subglobose, glabrous; placentas 5, styles 5, filiform, 2–3 mm, incurved; stigma toothlike. Capsule 5 valved. Seeds dark-brown to black, veined.  Fl. &Fr.: August-December.

Drosera burmannii Medicinal uses

Whole plant paste is given to cure Blood dysentery

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