Ehretia laevis - Kalvirasu

Ehretia laevis - Kalvirasu

Binomial Name : Ehretia laevis Roxb.
 Synonym : Ehretia floribunda,Ehretia canarensis
 Family : Boraginaceae
 Tamil Name : Kalvirasu
 Hindi Name : Chamror
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Ehretia laevis Botanical Description

Small trees; height 10 m; bark grey; branchlets stout, lenticellate, pale brown, younger parts softy hairy. Leaves simple, alternate; petiole 6-15 mm long, slender, glabrous; lamina 5.5-9 x 2-3.5 cm, elliptic-oblong, oblanceolate or obovate; base cuneate; apex obtuse; margin entire, coriaceous, scabrous; lateral nerves 5-7 pairs, pinnate, prominent, slender; intercostae reticulate. Flowers in terminal or axillary corymbose, 1 cm, white; calyx tube 1.5 mm, lobes 1 mm; stamens 5, filaments 1 m long; ovary 4-celled; style bifid, short; stigma minute. Fruit a drupe, globose, 6.5 mm across, black when ripe.

Ehretia laevis Medicinal uses

The leaves decoction are applied on muscular pains. They are given in cough and asthma.
 The tender leaves paste is applied to treat eczema.
 A decoction of bark is used internally and as gargle in throat infections.
 The bark is chewed and rubbed on the teeth and lips as an antiseptic.
 The bark decoction is given for diphtheria.
 The dried powder of flowers is given as an aphrodisiac.

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