Ehretia microphylla - Carmona

Ehretia microphylla - Carmona

Binomial Name : Ehretia microphylla Lam.
 Synonym : Carmona microphylla, Carmona retusa
 Family : Boraginaceae
 Common Name : Carmona
 Tamil Name : Kuruvichippazham,  Kuruvinchi
 Hindi Name : Pala
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Ehretia microphylla Botanical Description

Shrubs, to 2 m tall; twigs glabrous to sparsely strigillose. Leaves mostly fasciculate on short, spur-like branches, occasionally alternate, to 4.0 x 1.5 cm wide, often small, spathulate, retuse and/or with 2-7 teeth at apex, the bases attenuate, somewhat coriaceous, uniformly scabrate above, the trichomes with cystolith-like bases; subsessile. Inflorescence mostly solitary and axillary. Flowers small, subsessile; pedicels c. 2 mm long. Sepals 5, slightly connate basally, spathulate, 3-3.5 mm long, to 4 mm in fruit. Corolla salverform, white, tube shallow, 5-lobed, the lobes c. 3 mm long. Stamens exserted, anthers c. 1.2-1.6 mm long; filaments 1.5 mm long. Ovary globose; the style slender and elongate, cleft below the middle; stigmas scarcely differentiated. Fruit drupaceous, globose, 3.5-4 mm in diam, 4-seeded, not separating at maturity. Fl. &Fr.: November-December.

Ehretia microphylla Medicinal uses

In form of decoction from fresh shredder or dried crushed leaves and stems, it is used for: intestinal motility, stomach pain, diarrhoea, dysentery, gastroenteritis, colic, cough and fever.

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