Euphorbia hirta - Asthma Weed

Euphorbia hirta - Asthma Weed

Binomial Name : Euphorbia hirta L.
 Synonym : Chamaesyce hirta
 Family : Euphorbiaceae
 Common Name : Asthma Weed
 Tamil Name : Amman Pacharisi
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Euphorbia hirta Botanical Description

Decumbent herb, upto 55 cm high; root white, upto 13 cm long, ca. 0.2 cm diameter, less branched; stem pubescent, reddish, 0.2 cm diameter, distinct node and internode; internode upto 6.6 cm long, 0.5 cm diameter; leaves opposite, arising from node, lamina 0.6-1 x 2.8-3.4 cm, lanceolate, acute, serrate, obliquely cordate, pubescent, distinct nerves, adaxially green to brown, abaxially gray-green, apex obtuse, short petioled, ca.0.3 cm long; stipules 2, green, membranous, triangular, hairy, arising from node; cyathia in dense, terminal, headlike, pedunculate cymes, ca.1.5 x 1.5 cm; peduncle ca.1 cm long, pubescent; involucre minute, distinct; glands 4, pinkish; capsule 0.1 x 0.1 cm, green, obtusely keeled pubescent; style 6, pink, persistant, connate at base; seeds 3 in each capsule, 0.1 cm long, red on maturity with furrows. Fl. &Fr.:  Throughout the year.

Euphorbia hirta Medicinal uses

The latex is used to treat ringworm by Bodo tribe. Mixed leaf Extract with seed powder of piper nigrum is used to cure asthmatic trouble. The plant is used to treat respiratory ailments, cough, worm infestations in children, dysentery, jaundice, pimples, digestive problems and tumours.
 The stem, taken internally, is famed as a treatment for asthma, bronchitis and various other lung complaints
 The whole plant is decocted and used in the treatment of athlete's foot, dysentery, enteritis and skin conditions

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