Euphorbia antiquorum - Triangular spruge

Euphorbia antiquorum - Triangular spruge

Binomial Name : Euphorbia antiquorum L.
 Synonym : Euphorbia antiquorum L. var. polygona,Tithymalus antiquorus
 Family : Euphorbiaceae
 Common Name : Triangular spruge
 Tamil Name : Kalli,Chaturakalli, Tiruvargalli
 Hindi Name : Tridhara
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Euphorbia antiquorum Botanical Description

Trees or shrubs, 3-5(-8) m tall, glabrous except for cyathia. Stems 5-7 cm thick, green, 3(or 4)-ribbed, branching from upper parts; ribs prominent, winglike, up to 1-2 cm wide, 3-5 mm thick, prominently triangular toothed. Leaves alternate, apically clustered, caducous; spine shields small, stipules pricklelike, spines paired, 2-5 mm; petiole very short; leaf blade obovate or obovate-oblong, 2-5 × 1-2 cm, base attenuate, margin entire, apex rounded. Cyathia subterminal, single, peduncle 2-3 mm; cyathophylls as long as involucre, membranous; involucre broadly campanulate, ca. 3 × 5 mm, lobes 5, rounded, denticulate; glands 5, entire. Male flowers many; bracts linear. Female flower: ovary pedicellate, exserted from involucre, smooth and glabrous; styles free; stigma slightly 2-lobed. Capsule 3-lobed, compressed, 3.4-4 × 4-5 mm. Seeds subglobose, ca. 2 × 2 mm, brown-yellow, smooth; caruncle absent. Fl. and fr. all year. Fl. &Fr.: December-March.

Euphorbia antiquorum Medicinal uses

The poisonous milky latex or other plant parts (e.g. root bark) are taken as a drastic purgative and induce vomiting
 The dried heartwood is an antipyretic

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