Evolvulus alsinoides - Dwarf Morning Glory

Evolvulus alsinoides - Dwarf Morning Glory

Binomial Name : Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L.
 Synonym : Breweria alsinoides,Evolvulus chinensis,Evolvulus villosus
 Family : Convolvulaceae
 Common Name : Dwarf Morning Glory 
 Tamil Name : Vishnukiranthi
 Hindi Name : Vishnu Krantha
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Evolvulus alsinoides Botanical Description

Small prostrate much brnached villous herbs; branches radiating from rootstock. Leaves more or less distinctly in 2 rows, 6-12 x 4-7 mm, broadly elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, base rounded or acute, apex subacute, adpressed pilose on both sides; petiole to 2 mm long. Flowers solitary or paired, at axils; pedicels to 5 mm long, silky hairy; bracts linear, c. 1 mm long. Calyx lobes 2-3 mm long, lanceolate, silky hairy. Corolla c. 1 cm across, rotate, subentire, blue. Ovules 2 in each cell; styles 2, each longitudinally 2-fid. Capsule 1.5-2 mm across, globose, 2-valved. Seeds usually 4, minute. Fl. &Fr.: March-August.

Evolvulus alsinoides Medicinal uses

The whole bitter plant is used extensively as an alterative, anthelminthic, antidiarrhoeal, bitter, febrifuge, tonic and vermifuge
 The powdered leaves are applied topically to treat sores
 The mashed leaves are applied as a poultice on enlarged glands in the neck
The leaves are made into cigarettes, which are smoked to relieve bronchitis and asthma

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