Pentatropis capensis - Ambarvel

Pentatropis capensis - Ambarvel

Binomial Name : Pentatropis capensis (L. f.) Bullock.
 Synonym : Cynanchum capense,Pentatropis microphylla, 
 Family : Apocynaceae
 Common Name : Ambarvel
 Tamil Name : Uppili
 Hindi Name : Ambarvel
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Pentatropis capensis Botanical Description

twining perennial herb. Leaves are 1-3.5 cm long, 0.5-2.5 cm wide, broadly oblong or ovate elliptic. Tip is blunt with a sharp point, base rounded or heart-shaped. Leaf stalk is 4-7 mm long. Flowers clusters are carried on a short stalk up to 2 mm long. Flowers stalks are 1.2-13 cm long. Sepals are 1.5 mm long. Flower tube is almost divided to the base, petals 3.5-6 mm long. Corona lobes are 2-2.5 mm long. Follicles are 3.7-6.8 cm long. Seeds 6 x 3 mm, ovate, tip truncate slightly crenulate at the base. Fl. &Fr.: July-December.

Pentatropis capensis Medicinal uses

Leaf extract consumed for treating urine infection and kidney problems. 

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