Flueggea leucopyrus - Indian snow berry

Flueggea leucopyrus - Indian snow berry

Binomial Name : Flueggea leucopyrus Willd.
 Synonym : Securinega leucopyrus, Phyllanthus leucopyrus
 Family : Phyllanthaceae
 Common Name : Indian snow berry, Spinous fluggea
 Tamil Name : Mulluppulatti
 Hindi Name : Shinar, Ainta
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Flueggea leucopyrus Botanical Description

Shrubs, branchlets angular, ending in spines. Leaves distichous, to 2.5 x 1.5 cm, obovate, apex emarginate, base cuneate, membranous. Flowers greenish white; bracts many, minute, pedicels 2 mm; male flowers in axillary clusters, tepals 0.7 mm, concave, obtuse; stamens 5, filaments 1.5 mm, pistillode 1 mm. Capsule 5 mm across, globose, white. Fl. &Fr.: June-September.

Flueggea leucopyrus Medicinal uses

The plant is sweet, cooling, diuretic, aphrodisiac, tonic.
 Useful in vitiated conditions of Pitta, burning sensation, strangury, seminal weakness and general debility.
 Leaves act as a disinfectant(antiseptic) and its paste is used by the tribes to extract any extraneous materials from body tissues without surgery.
 Juice or paste of leaves used along with tobacco to destroy worms in sores.
 Plant is used as a wonderful medicine in Menstrual disorders.

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