Senna hirsuta - Woolly Cassia

Senna hirsuta - Woolly Cassia

Binomial Name : Senna hirsuta (L.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
❏ Synonym : Cassia hirsuta, Senna hirsuta var. hirsuta, Cassia tomentosa
❏ Family : Leguminosae
❏ Common Name : Woolly Cassia
❏ Tamil Name : Malaiyavaram

Senna hirsuta Botanical Description

Erect undershrubs, densely hirsute all over. Leaves to 18 cm long, usually with 3-5 pairs of leaflets; ovate or elliptic, base rounded, apex acuminate, silky hairy on both sides; rachis 8-12 cm long, a large black gland on the rachis just below the lowest leaflets; stipules 5-8 mm long, linear-lanceolate. Flowers yellow,  in axillary and terminal few-flowered racemes; pedicels 1-1.4 cm long; bracts linear. Sepals 5, oblong, densely hairy without. Petals 5, obovate, obtuse. Stamens 10 , unequal, 6 or 7 fertile. Ovary tomentose; ovules many; style glabrous. Pods linear, subterete, curved, densely hirsute. Seeds many,  orbicular, compressed, light brown.

Senna hirsuta Medicinal uses

The leaves are used medicinally for treating kidney disorders and herpes
 An infusion of the leaves is applied externally to treat skin disorders and cracked nipples

Senna hirsuta Pictures

Senna hirsuta - Woolly Cassia

Senna hirsuta - Woolly Cassia

Senna hirsuta Video

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