Gomphrena serrata - Prostrate Gomphrena

Gomphrena serrata - Prostrate Gomphrena

Binomial Name : Gomphrena serrata L.
 Synonym : Gomphrena celosioides, Gomphrena decumbens
 Family : Amaranthaceae
 Common Name : Prostrate Gomphrena
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Gomphrena serrata Botanical Description

Prostrate herbs, branchlets woolly. Leaves 2-4 x 1 cm, elliptic, obovate, apex acute, mucronate, spathulate, woolly beneath. Spikes terminal and sometimes axillary, to 8 cm long; bracts 3 mm, scarious, mucronate, ciliate at apex; bracteoles 2, 2.5 mm, ovate, mucronate; tepals 5, 4.5 mm, lanceolate, acute at apex, woolly at the back of the inner 3 tepals; stamens 5, tube to 2.5 mm; ovary 1 mm, 1-ovuled, style 0.4 mm, stigma 2-fid. Fl. &Fr.: September-December.

Gomphrena serrata Medicinal uses

Whole plant juice used for the treatment of diabetes.

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