Heliotropium marifolium - Seaforth Heliotrope

Heliotropium marifolium - Seaforth Heliotrope

Binomial Name : Heliotropium marifolium J.König ex Retz.
 Synonym : Cynoglossum marifolium, Bothriospermum marifolium
 Family : Boraginaceae
 Common Name : Seaforth Heliotrope 
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Heliotropium marifolium Botanical Description

Scabrous herbs, branches procumbent, radiating from the rootstock. Leaves 6-12 x 3-14 mm, lanceolate to elliptic, base and apex acute, strigosely hirsute, subsessile. Flowers in axillary and terminal few-flowered short cymes up to 2.5 cm long. Calyx-lobes 5, c. 2 mm long, deltoid. Corolla white, c. 3 mm long, salver-shaped, hairy at throat. Stamens 5, included, subsessile. Ovary 4-lobed; style short, c. 0.5 mm long. Stigma conical. Fruit 4-lobed, shorter than the persistent calyx, globose, eventually separating into 4 nutlets Fl. &Fr.: April-June.

Heliotropium marifolium Medicinal uses

Crude extracts showed antimicrobial activity

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