Ipomoea carnea - Morning Glory Tree

Ipomoea carnea - Morning Glory Tree

Binomial Name : Ipomoea carnea Jacq.
 Synonym : Ipomoea crassicaulis,Batatas crassicaulis
 Family : Convolvulaceae
 Common Name : Morning Glory Tree
 Tamil Name : Oonan chedi
 Hindi Name : Behaya
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Ipomoea carnea Botanical Description

Erect to subscandent shrubs; stems fistulose at maturity, tomentose. Leaves ovate-lanceate, 4-14 by 2.5-9 cm, base cordate, apex gradually acuminate, lateral veins 8-10 pairs, prominent. Cymes many-flowered, axillary or subterminal; peduncle c. 10 cm long; calyx lobes subequal; corolla pale pink, c. 9 cm long. Capsule ovoid. Seeds pubescent. Fl. &Fr.: Throughout the year.

Ipomoea carnea Medicinal uses

The leaves are slightly purgative
 A latex in the plant is used to treat skin problems

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