Justicia glauca - Glaucous Justicia

Justicia glauca - Glaucous Justicia

Binomial Name : Justicia glauca Rottler.
 Synonym : Justicia brachionodes,Ecbolium glaucum,Adeloda brachiata
 Family : Acanthaceae
 Common Name : Glaucous Justicia
 Tamil Name : Thavasi murungai
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Justicia glauca Botanical Description

Much branched diffuse herbs, 15-50 cm tall, branches puberulous. Leaves opposite, 2.5-4 x 2-2.5 cm, ovate, acute at apex, base rounded, pubescent; lateral nerves 4-6 pairs; petole 8-12 mm long. Flowers in 2.5-9 cm long terminal and axillary spikes; bracts 5 mm across, orbicular, lanceolate, acte, pubescent. Calyx 5 mm long, divided nearly to the base, lobes lanceolate, acute, ciliate with glandular hairs; bracteoles 1.5 mm long, pubescent. Corolla 8 mm long, narrowly infundibuliform, upper lip ovate-oblong, obtuse, notched spotted with purple; lower lip broadly ovate, shortly 3-lobed. Filaments hairy at the base. Capsule 8 mm long, oblong, swollen above the seeds, glabrous; seeds 4, 2 mm across, densely tubercled. Fl. &Fr.: January-June.

Justicia glauca Medicinal uses

The entire plant is ground with groundnut oil to form a fine paste. the paste used to yoke gall.

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