Leonotis nepetifolia - Lion's Ear

Leonotis nepetifolia -  Lion's Ear

Binomial Name : Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br.Fl. &Fr.
 Synonym : Phlomis nepetifolia,Leonurus globosus
 Family : Lamiaceae
 Common Name : Lion's Ear, Christmas Candlestick 
 Hindi Name : Lal Guma
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Leonotis nepetifolia Botanical Description

Shrubs, pilose. Leaves to 11 x 8 cm, ovate, apex acute, base truncate, deeply crenate, minutely punctuate, pubescent, basally tri-nerved; petiole to 9 cm. Thyrsus axillary and terminal, 5 cm across; flowers red; bracts 1.5 cm, linear, spinescent, pubescent; calyx oblique, tube 1.3 cm long, 7-toothed, spinescent; corolla tube 1 cm long, lower lip 1.5 cm, concave, densely villous; filaments 3 and 4 mm, flattened; ovary 1 mm, style 2 cm. Fl. &Fr.: November-March.

Leonotis nepetifolia Medicinal uses

The plant is used against swellings, fever, gastro-intestinal troubles and as an abortifacient
 A decoction of the whole plant is employed to clean out the uterus; treat diarrhoea and heavy cramps; as a diuretic; and as a tonic to strengthen the back
 The leaves and flowers are cholagogue. An infusion is used as an antidysenteric; decocted with salt or sugar in a preparation to dissolve renal calculi
 The leaf juice is used in the treatment of thrush. In a plaster for wounds. Cooked in an infusion which is drunk to treat itches and skin diseases; for yaws

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