Hygrophila auriculata - Long leaved barleria

Hygrophila auriculata - Long leaved barleria

Binomial Name : Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine.
 Synonym : Hygrophila schulli,Barleria longiflora,Ruellia longifolia
 Family : Acanthaceae
 Common Name : Long leaved barleria
 Tamil Name : Nirmulli
 Hindi Name : Kantakalia
 IUCN status: Least Concern

Hygrophila auriculata Botanical Description

Subshrubs, strigose-hispid, with sharp thorns. Leaves in whorls of 8, unequal, 6-10 x 2-4 cm, linear-lanceolate, apex acute, base cuneate, margins dentate and wavy, larger pair, sessile. Thorns 2-3 cm long, axillary. Flowers in axillary whorls; bracts and bracteoles leafy, 1.2 cm long; calyx lobes 4, larger lobe 1 cm long; corolla pink, 1.5 cm long, bilipped, lobes obtuse, ciliate. Capsule 1 cm long; seeds orbicular, 3 mm across. Fl. &Fr.:  September-April.

Hygrophila auriculata Medicinal uses

The whole plant, but particularly the roots, is said to have diuretic properties. It is used especially in the treatment of blennorrhoea, hydropsy and anuria, as well as catarrh, stomach ache, craw-craw etc
 The whole plant, or its ashes, and the roots are used as a cooling medicine and diuretic in cases of hepatic obstruction, dropsy, rheumatism, etc
 The leaves and stems are burnt and the smoke used to fumigate the eyes in order to treat corneal ulcers

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