Leucas longifolia - Long Leaf Leucas

Leucas longifolia - Long Leaf Leucas

Binomial Name :  Leucas longifolia Benth.
 Family : Lamiaceae
 Common Name : Long Leaf Leucas
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Leucas longifolia Botanical Description:

Erect herb, a foot tall, with the stem leafless below. Hairs are erect or spreading. Leaves are narrowly linear, 4-5 cm long, 2-6 mm wide, quite entire, blunt or somewhat pointed at tip. Flowers are borne in few-flowered whorls. Bracts are minute, sepal tube is inverted-cone-shaped, bristly, about 6 mm long, with long hairs or long structures at the mouth, with minute teeth. Flower-tube protrudes out of the sepal-tube, 1.3 cm long, upper lip very short, lower one very much longer and broader.

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