Leucas aspera - Common Leucas
❏ Binomial Name : Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.
❏ Synonym : Leucas dimidiata,Leucas obliqua,Phlomis esculenta
❏ Family : Lamiaceae
❏ Common Name : Common Leucas, Thumba
❏ Tamil Name : Thumbai
❏ Hindi Name : Gopha
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Leucas aspera Botanical Description
Erect hirsute herbs to 40 cm tall. Leaves 3-8 x 1-2 cm, linear-lanceolate, base cuneate, margin distantly serrate, apex acute, puberulous, petiole c. 3 mm long. Verticils terminal and axillary; bract linear, equalling calyx, hirsute. Calyx c. 6 mm long, tubular, 10-ribbed, upper half strigose without, glabrous below; mouth oblique, 10-toothed; teeth unequal, posterior the longer, linear, c.1 mm long. Corolla white; tube c. 6 mm long; Upper lip c. 3 mm long, villous without; lower lip 7-8 mm long. Stamens 4; style c. 8 mm long. Fl. &Fr.: September-January.
Leucas aspera Medicinal uses
❀ Leaves and flower buds are consumed as vegetable
❀ Eating the plant (as a pot herb) is believed to increase resistance to disease
❀ The leaf sap is used to treat sores of the eyes and nose
❀ The bruised leaves are considered to be active against bites of poisonous insects and snakes
❀ The crushed plant is applied hot as a poultice on to wounds, sores.