Leucas aspera - Common Leucas

Leucas aspera - Common Leucas

Binomial Name : Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.
 Synonym : Leucas dimidiata,Leucas obliqua,Phlomis esculenta
 Family : Lamiaceae
 Common Name : Common Leucas, Thumba
 Tamil Name : Thumbai
 Hindi Name : Gopha
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Leucas aspera Botanical Description

Erect hirsute herbs to 40 cm tall. Leaves 3-8 x 1-2 cm, linear-lanceolate, base cuneate, margin distantly serrate, apex acute, puberulous, petiole c. 3 mm long. Verticils terminal and axillary; bract linear, equalling calyx, hirsute. Calyx c. 6 mm long, tubular, 10-ribbed, upper half strigose without, glabrous below; mouth oblique, 10-toothed; teeth unequal, posterior the longer, linear, c.1 mm long. Corolla white; tube c. 6 mm long; Upper lip c. 3 mm long, villous without; lower lip 7-8 mm long. Stamens 4; style c. 8 mm long. Fl. &Fr.: September-January.

Leucas aspera Medicinal uses

Leaves and flower buds are consumed as vegetable
 Eating the plant (as a pot herb) is believed to increase resistance to disease
 The leaf sap is used to treat sores of the eyes and nose
 The bruised leaves are considered to be active against bites of poisonous insects and snakes
 The crushed plant is applied hot as a poultice on to wounds, sores.

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