Pedalium murex - Large Caltrops

Pedalium murex - Large Caltrops

Binomial Name : Pedalium murex L.
 Synonym : Murex burmannii,Rogeria microcarpa,Pedalium microcarpum
 Family : Pedaliaceae
 Common Name : Large Caltrops
 Tamil Name : Yanai Nerunjil
 Hindi Name : Bara Gokhru
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Pedalium murex Botanical Description

A diffuse annual, much branched, spreading, succulent, glandular, up to 60 cm tall. Roots similar to turmeric in colour. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate or oblong-obovate, 1-4.5 cm long, 0.5-3 cm broad, truncate or obtuse, irregularly and coarsely crenate-serrate, glabrous above, minutely scaly below, petiole-l-4 cm. Flowers 1.5-2 cm across; pedicel 1-2 mm long, increasing up to 4 mm in fruit. Calyx c.2 mm long; teeth linear, scaly outside, persistent. Petals connate into a broad tube, 1-3 cm long; lobes obtuse. Stamens included, 0.5-1 cm long; filaments dilated, glandular hairy at the base; anthers kidney shaped. Fruit indehiscent, abruptly narrowed at the base and with a patent spreading spine at each basal corner of the broader part, 1-1.8 cm long, 0.5-1 cm broad, spine 2-4 mm long. Seeds 2 or 1 per locule, oblong. Fl. &Fr.:  November-December.

Pedalium murex Medicinal uses

The leaves and roots have been used in a clinical test with patients suffering from gonorrhoea; it was found to have no effect
 The plant is taken as an emmenagogue and oxytocic and the root is considered antibilious
 The water in which the leaves have been boiled, or a decoction of the root, is drunk to treat venereal diseases

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