Rivea hypocrateriformis - Common Night Glory
❏ Binomial Name : Rivea hypocrateriformis Choisy.
❏ Synonym : Convolvulus hypocrateriformis,Argyreia uniflora,Rivea fragrans
❏ Family : Convolvulaceae
❏ Common Name : Common Night Glory
❏ Tamil Name : Budthi Kiray, Musuttai Kodi
❏ Hindi Name : Phang
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Rivea hypocrateriformis Botanical Description
Twining subshrubs, stem white silky-pubescent. Leaves 3-4 x 3-6 cm, cordiform, apex obtuse, base cordate, subcoriaceous; petiole to 6 cm. Flowers axillary, solitary or in cymes; bracts lanceolate; corolla white, 7 cm across, salver-form; stamens 5, unequal, to 1.8 cm, anthers oblong, 4 mm; ovary oblong, 4 mm, 4-locular, each 1-ovulate, style 3.5 cm. Capsule conical, indehiscent, 1.5 x 1 cm, 1-celled; seeds 4 or a few. Fl. &Fr.: December-February.
Rivea hypocrateriformis Medicinal uses
❀ The tender leaves are added to the batter for dosa. This helps in indigestion and improves blood circulation in children.
❀ The plant is also reported for its ethnomedicinal uses in treating cough, headache, skin disease, malaria etc, as well as treating exteranal conditions such as burns, piles and to relieve pain
❀ The roots are given to a woman after parturition
❀ A methanol extraction of the root has shown good antimicrobial activity