Diplocyclos palmatus - Lollipop Climber

Diplocyclos palmatus - Lollipop Climber

Binomial Name : Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) C.Jeffrey.
 Synonym : Bryonia palmata
 Family : Cucurbitaceae
 Common Name : Lollipop Climber
 Tamil Name : Aivirali
 Hindi Name : Shivalingi
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Diplocyclos palmatus Botanical Description

Stout climbers; tendrils 2-fid. Leaves 5-7 x 7-9.5 cm, palmately 5-lobed, orbicular-cordate, basally 5-7-ribbed; scabrid above; lobes elliptic-oblong, accuminate. Petiole to 7 cm long. Flowers monoecious; male and female flowers in axilliary clusters; calyx campanulate, lobes 5, to 1 mm long, linear; corolla greenish-yellow, to 5 mm, ovate-acute; stamens 3, free, inserted at the middle of calyx-tube, anther cells slightly flexuous; staminodes 3; ovary globose; ovules few; horizontal; stigma 3-fid, papillose. Fruit 1-1.5 cm across, globose, with vertical greenish and white patches. Seeds ovoid, compressed with crenulate, transverse ridge. Fl. &Fr.: November-January.

Diplocyclos palmatus Medicinal uses

The leaves of the plant are applied topically for getting relief from inflammations
 The roots are used as an antivenom
 The stems are used as an expectorant
 The fruits are used as a laxative
 The seeds are febrifuge

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