Euphorbia heterophylla - Lesser Green Poinsettia
❏ Binomial Name : Euphorbia heterophylla L.
❏ Synonym : Euphorbia geniculata,Cyathophora heterophyla
❏ Family : Euphorbiaceae
❏ Common Name : Lesser Green Poinsettia
❏ Tamil Name : Palperukki
❏ Hindi Name : Titli phool
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Euphorbia heterophylla Botanical Description
Robust annual herbs, glabrous to pilose. Leaves alternate below, opposite above, 4-12 x 0.3-7 cm, broadly ovate, elliptic, obovate, or panduriform, rarely linear, glabrous or pilose, margins entire to coarsely serrate, apex acute, short-acuminate, or short-cuspidate, base rounded to cuneate, green, sometimes floral leaves white or with splotches of purple at base, never red; petioles 1-4 cm long; stipules absent or minute and gland-like. Cyathia in dense terminal cymes; involucre 2-2.5 mm high, glabrous, gland 1, cup-shaped with a circular opening, without an appendage; staminate flowers numerous. Capsules subglobose, 3-4 mm long, glabrous; seeds dark brownish gray to black, sometimes mottled, truncate-ovoid, angled, 2-2.5 mm long, coarsely tuberculate, ecarunculate. Fl. &Fr.: June-August.
Euphorbia heterophylla Medicinal uses
❀ The plant is fed to rabbits grown in farms.
❀ A decoction or infusion of the stems and fresh or dried leaves is taken as a purgative and laxative to treat stomach-ache and constipation, and to expel intestinal worms
❀ The latex is irritant to the skin and eyes and may be employed as a rubefacient and to remove warts and corns