Ficus religiosa - Sacred Fig Tree

Ficus religiosa - Sacred Fig Tree

Binomial Name : Ficus religiosa L.
 Synonym : Urostigma religiosum
 Family : Moraceae
 Common Name : Sacred Fig Tree
 Tamil Name : Arasu
 Hindi Name : Pipal
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Ficus religiosa Botanical Description

Deciduous trees, to 25 m high; aerial roots absent; bark grey, smooth; exudation milky. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; new leaves pink; stipules 1-1.5 cm long, lateral, ovate-lanceolate, puberulous; petiole 60-120 mm long, stout, glabrous, articulated, a gland at the apex below; lamina 5-13 x 4.5-12 cm, broadly ovate, base truncate or subcordate, apex caudate-acuminate, margin entire, undulate, glabrous, shining, coriaceous; 5-7-ribbed from base, lateral nerves 8-10 pairs, pinnate, slender, prominent beneath, looped near the margin, intercostae reticulate, prominent. Flowers unisexual; inflorescence a syconia, sessile, axillary, in pairs, obovoid or globose, twig wall thick; basal bracts 3, 3-5 mm long, ovate-obtuse, silky-puberulous, persistent, orifice, closed by 3 apical bracts in a disc 2-3 mm wide; internal bristles none; flowers of 4 kinds; male flowers ostiolar, sessile, in one ring; tepals 2, ovate-lanceolate, free, reddish; stamen 1; filaments 0.2 mm; anther oblong, parallel; female flowers sessile; tepals 3-4, linear-lanceolate, free, brownish, glabrous; ovary superior, ovoid-oblong, 1 mm, red-brown, style 1.5 mm, lateral, stigma rounded; gall flowers similar to female. Syconium 4-8 mm across, ripening pink, purple or black; achenes smooth. Fl. &Fr.: November-February.

Ficus religiosa Medicinal uses

Leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Considered a holy tree in the hindu tradition. Figs eaten by birds. The fruits, leaves, bark and even the latex are used to prepare herbal remedies.
 Dried leaf powder is mixed with water and taken orally to get relief from body pain.
 Ficus religiosa leaves paste + Dioscorea bulbifera whole plant paste is mixed in equal amount. Then tablets containing 1-2 tea spoon mixture are prepared. One tablet is taken twice a day till commencement of next menstrual cycle.
 Fruits and bark are prescribed in diabetes.
 The leaves and young shoots are used as Purgative
 The decoction of bark is used to Sexual weakness and weakness of nerves.
 The bark decoction is used to wash wounds and ulcers.

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