Habenaria roxburghii - Roxburgh's Habenaria

Habenaria roxburghii - Roxburgh's Habenaria

Binomial Name : Habenaria roxburghii Nicolson.
 Synonym : Orchis roxburghii,Orchis platyphyllos,
 Family : Orchidaceae
 Common Name : Roxburgh's Habenaria
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Habenaria roxburghii Botanical Description

Herbs; tubers one or two. Leaves 2 or 3, at the base, to 7 x 5 cm, orbicular, acute at apex, base sheathing. Racemes densely flowered, to 8 cm, flowers white; bracts 2 cm, lanceolate; sepals 8 mm, broadly ovate, lip 3-lobed, side lobes smaller, later lobes 8 mm, oblong; spur 4 cm, oblong, clavate at apex. Fl. &Fr.: August-October.

Habenaria roxburghii Medicinal uses

tuber extract mixed with sugar (Saccharum officinarum) and taken orally for cooling effect by lambidis.

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