Lepidagathis cristata - Crested Lepidagathis

Lepidagathis cristata - Crested Lepidagathis

Binomial Name : Lepidagathis cristata Willd.
❏ Synonym : Selago acaulis,Acanthus cristatus,Ruellia radiciflora
❏ Family : Acanthaceae
❏ Common Name : Crested Lepidagathis
❏ Tamil Name : Karappanpoondu
❏ Hindi Name : Bukhar Jadi
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Lepidagathis cristata Botanical Description

perennial herb, with almost no stem. Branches, 20 cm long, arise out of a globose head on the ground, and spread out. Leaves are stalkless, 3-6 x 0.5-1 cm, linear-lanceshaped, velvet-hairy, pointed at both ends, margin entire to toothed. Flowers are also arise stalkless from this globose head. Flowers are pale pink, 2-lipped. The upper lip is notched, and the lower lip is divided into 3 lobes. It appears in dry places and waste lands. Fl. &Fr.: February-June.

Lepidagathis cristata Medicinal uses

It is used in the treatment of fever.
 It is also used in treating inflammations - aqueous extract of leaves mixed with Ocimum juice and the tuberous flower ash mixed with coconut oil is a concoction, which is applied on parts affected by inflammation.

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